Complaints procedure
Last updated
: 15th Jan 2025
Version: 1

1.         OVERVIEW

1.1.       Asset Reality Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates (together, “Asset Reality” or “we”), believe the best way to build and to maintain trust is to conduct every element of our business according to the highest standards of integrity.

1.2.      We are aware, however, that there may be instances where you are dissatisfied with the service that has been  provided. In accordance with our commitment to delivering excellent service to our clients, alongside our legal and regulatory requirements, we will endeavor to:
-       acknowledge and respond to your complaint
-       handle your complaint transparently, competently, diligently, and impartially
-       keep you informed of our progress in addressing your concerns
-        explain our assessment of your complaint

1.3.        Where applicable, if you remain dissatisfied, refer you to regulatory or other competent authorities who may review your complaint

2.          HOW TO CONTACT US

2.1.        You can raise a complaint through your sales or relationship contact. 

2.2.       Alternatively, you may contact the Compliance Department:

a) by email at;
b) in writing, addressed to “Asset Reality Limited -  Compliance” at: 
13 Manette Street, London, W1D 4AP