JCNSS Report: Asset Reality supports UK's enhanced ransomware strategy

Earlier today, the Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy (JCNSS) published the second special report into their year-long ransomware enquiry. This report outlines the UK government’s response to the Committee’s recommendations for addressing the national security implications of sophisticated ransomware attacks.
After being asked to present evidence at the initial inquiry on the lack of resources, support and education hindering law enforcement's attempts to combat crypto-enabled cyber attacks, our co-founder & CEO Aidan Larkin is delighted to see the UK government responding positively to the Committee’s recommendation to prioritise the training and recruitment of skilled officers:
“Asset Reality is honoured to have been asked to present evidence in the House of Commons during this important enquiry into the threat of ransomware on UK national security."
“We welcome the government’s commitment to increasing the available funding for law enforcement and driving progressive legislative advancements, as evidenced by the recent passage of the Economic Crime Bill. We eagerly anticipate working with our clients and partners in this space to develop innovative technology solutions that will make it easier to seize assets and strengthen our national defences against crypto-enabled cyber threats.”
The Government responded as follows:
"A critical part of this response is the development of law enforcement training pathways to produce and maintain a pool of highly skilled investigators and intelligence officers, alongside strengthening technological capabilities across the system to help recover more criminal crypto-assets.”
Read more of the government's response:
Listen to Aidan explain the reasons why cybercrime is attractive to criminals in this clip from our evidence presentation during the initial ransomware inquiry on April 24 2023: